Welcome to The Caribou Club Foundation Website below. 

To visit the Caribou Club Social Website 

click here

The Caribou Club Foundation is a volunteer nonprofit charitable 501 (c) (3) corporation working to help fellow seniors actively navigate through life beyond 60.
The Caribou Club started as an informal social & support group among 50 or so lifelong friends, mostly surfers, from Southern California. As we all approached retirement, we recognized that we could focus our individual skills to form a charitable organization that would help us and fellow Seniors navigate the challenging waters of our retirement years.
     We launched our original Caribou Club website in 2008, and then in 2015 we created the Caribou Club Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation, resolved to help seniors and to distribute free information about  Caribou Club resources and programs such as:
-Health and exercise options
-Financial Assistance with medical  co-payments
-Employment counseling
-Housing availability
-Veterans issues and opportunities 
-Tax Preparation
-Caregiver resources
     ...And if you are a slow enough Caribou to be caught by the wolves:
-Publishing of permanent memorials and obits on our website

To make a donation to the Caribou Club Foundation, Click on Donations in the menu above.

The following is a list of where your donations are going:

Hi all Caribou, and Seasons Greetings.


It’s December and time to let you know what your Caribou Club Foundation did in 2023, besides play golf and stay vertical! This is not a donor letter. We need you to follow us.

We started the year in good shape. We held the Caribou Superbowl Pool in January & February, which generated about $500. Concerts by our crack Ukulele band took in another $400. (Thanks to the Band for their donations). Other donations came in through the year.

We made FIVE $500 donations in 2023, the most ever.

-The first donation was to Carol Prada, who is researching the relationship between dementia and nutrition for an upcoming book. Her late husband Joe, who surfed into his 90’s, suffered from Alzheimer’s, and was a friend of Jeff Meyer and many of us surfers in Santa Monica. All the best, Carol.

-The second was to Ken Furlano, who lost his home to a fire while he was in the hospital with Covid. . We wish the best for Kenny.  

-The third donation went to Carol’s Kitchen, a food program for seniors and homeless in Beaumont. Caribou Board member Pat Leahy is close to this project, which just celebrated it’s 25th year if service. This is our second donation to Carol’s Kitchen.

-Our next donation this year occurred when the Caribou Club Foundation participated in a drive for direct cash relief for West Maui residents suffering from the horrible fire they recently endured. After $500 was collected for the victims at this year’s California Street Surf Classic, The Caribou Club Foundation matched the pot, so we could sent $1000 directly to Maui residents.

-Finally, after recently receiving a $500 donation from the Ventura Surf Club, we have turned around and paid it forward to the Ventura County Council on Aging, (Board member Paul Atkinson was a volunteer driver for them), which provides meals, food, and transportation for seniors in Ventura County. This is our second donation to this organization  

We’re all volunteers. We pay for own logo hats and parties, along with the gear we send you. We also pay for our own internet service, (not cheap).  We make sure that 100% of your donations go to help people we target.

Thanks for being part of our group. I especially want to thank Terry Coultas, who not only set up our website years ago, but continues to maintain it. Terry is 80 years old today, (12-17-23), and he possesses too many Caribou web secrets to leave us soon. Terry, Happy Birthday, but you gotta make it to 90!!!  Happy New Year Everyone.

Gene Meyer



December 17, 2023,
Received a %500 donation from the Ventura Surf Club
 Donated the money to the Ventura County Agency on Aging, our 2nd donation to this organization which helps seniors. 

September 4th, 2023
In Ventura, at the California Street Surf Classic this year, the contestants, volunteers and friends donated $500 toward West Maui Relief. The Caribou Club Foundation then matched the pot, sending direct relief of $1000 to Maui through Maui lifeguards. 

August 1st
We donated $500 to Carol's Kitchen in Beaumont, California, which recently celebrated 25 years of serving meals to Seniors in that area. We donated to them before, and we felt we needed to help them carry on. Foundation Board Member Pat Leahy delivered the donation, and it was much appreciated.  

June 26th, 2023
So far in 2023, we have dispersed $ 1000 in funds, $500 to a disabled Senior friend in need whose trailer burned down while he was in the hospital
and $500 to Carol Prata, (wife of the late legendary surfer and educator Joe Prata), who is conducting research into the relationship between Alzheimer's Disease and nutrition.
We have also taken in about $1000, from board members, long time donors.  

February 7, 2023

Our Foundation balance today is about $4200, but it won't be for long. 
In 2022 we gave out about $1500 to Caribou friends who were in need and contacted us. 
(If you'd like to know their names, please contact Gene Meyer. Otherwise they will remain anonymous).
Most of the money has been paid back. We're small time, but we make a difference to some Seniors.  

November 28, 2021

Last week we sent a $500 check to
Bernardi Senior Center in Van Nuys
which serves hot meals to Valley Seniors
made in memory of Tim Donnelly and Cheryl Phillips, 
who grew in Van Nuys as neighbors of Los Angeles City Councilman Ernani Bernardi
Thank you for your continued donations to the Caribou Club Foundation

February 21, 2021
Yesterday we sent a $500 check to
Bernardi Senior Center in Van Nuys,
which has continued to serve hot meals and deliver groceries to Seniors
This donation is made in memory of two departed Van Nuys legends
Paul Campbell
and Tim McArdle
Thank you for your continued donations
Stay safe and don't be a slow Caribou!

January 18, 2021  Happy New Year!
In 2020 the Caribou Club Foundation handed out $2000 in cash donations
to  four organizations that provide food for seniors.
We also received donations totaling $2000,
so we find our little "grass roots non-profit" to still be afloat.
Thank you to all of our 2020 donors as well as to all of you who have donated in the past.
Please think of us.  We're still here

November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving
Today we sent a check for $500 to:
One Generation, San Fernando Valley
They have handed out 600 drive through meals to seniors so far this holiday.
Earn a tax deduction by donation to the Caribou Club Foundation,
a 501 (c) 3 all volunteer non- profit organization
To learn more, click on Donations above

April 20, 2020
Today we sent out checks to the following food delivery organizations:
Ventura County Agency on Aging, $500
Bernardi Senior Center (Van Nuys) $500
Carol's Kitchen, (Beaumont) $500
These 3 established local non-profits are set up
to bring groceries and hot meals to seniors shut in by the corona virus.

For Donation Information, please click on Donations in the above menu.